2020 Survey Results

Burns, Doug(502) 262-2246burns.dr@gmail.com
Session: AID: T01December 15, 2020 at 3:48 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

I had taken most of this training as part of the online training that was available prior to the course. I mostly just took the in-person course to satisfy my training report because I hate seeing red :). HOWEVER, this session far exceeded my expectations. Despite covering much of the same material, I felt this training was much more impactful with the inclusion of local resources, example forms, and just "war stories" from experienced den leaders. I think the online training certainly has benefit if you need to get a leader up to speed quickly, but I will certainly recommend all new leaders to also take this in-person training as well.

Instructor Feedback

The instructors were clear, kind, and concise. We were time constrained but they managed to cover the material without rushing and also still made the class interactive despite the remote format.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

It would've been nice to see a session about navigating meetings and scouting in general during COVID.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Recordings of the sessions would've been massively helpful.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Gerdes, Spencer(513) 403-3801srg617@gmail.com
Session: CID: E07December 9, 2020 at 7:02 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

[I was the assistant instructor so I will fill this out about the parts of the session the lead instructor led]

Very informative. Not only were the topics covered but personal experience from the lead instructor contributed to the better understanding of the subject for participants. Even though I was an assistant instructor and I knew what we would go over, Mr. Corsmeier still managed to surprise me and add on to what we planned on discussing.

Instructor Feedback

[I was the assistant instructor so I will fill this out about the lead instructor]

He was very knowledgeable in the subject. He had a lot of personal experience of working with Scouts who have disabilities and was able to share his wisdom with the group to better help participants understand how they can work with Scouts with disabilities. Mr. Corsmeier truly was a great instructor and I would be happy to work with him again.

Black II, Ken(313) 319-8556kenblack2@outlook.com
Session: FID: COM-06December 7, 2020 at 8:46 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

The course was helpful in clarifying the Unit Key 3 roles and how the Unit Commissioner interacts with them.

Instructor Feedback

Jon did a nice job of engaging the participants throughout the presentation to make it interactive.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

A course on the use of Commissioner Tools would be useful.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

The virtual courses worked quite well overall. It would be nice to have this option even when in-person meetings are possible again. If there are future virtual trainings, then one suggestion would be to have all instructors start their courses by asking the participants to go on mute when not speaking.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Black II, Ken(313) 319-8556kenblack2@outlook.com
Session: EID: COM-05December 7, 2020 at 8:31 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

The list of websites provided is a great resource.

Instructor Feedback

Alex led some good discussions on how to use online resources. We used up quite a bit of time on introductions with over 20 people in the course. I'd suggest using the participant list to confirm attendance to save more time for the course content.

Black II, Ken(313) 319-8556kenblack2@outlook.com
Session: DID: COM-04December 7, 2020 at 8:22 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Covered all the aspects of JTE was helpful in understanding the purpose of JTE.

Instructor Feedback

Tom brought a wealth of experience to the training that was a great addition to the course materials.

Black II, Ken(313) 319-8556kenblack2@outlook.com
Session: AID: COM-101December 7, 2020 at 8:17 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Very helpful to understand the responsibilties of the Unit Commissioner role.

Instructor Feedback

Wayne did a nice job leading the training. I appreciated the additional insights that he provided from his experience.

Bills, Emily(513) 731-3122den9lpc@gmail.com
Session: EID: c14December 7, 2020 at 9:02 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Comprehensive list of items to consider (for parents, youth and those interested in leadership roles). Appreciated the talk time opportunities

Instructor Feedback

(I believe Eric taught intro to Troops for Cub Leaders previously? Thinking that is why I attended his course this year.) Both were professionally executed, engaging and informative. Well worth my time. Thank you for information and time after for questions. I feel much better about the transition now that I have attended this course.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Parent and/or leader participation opportunities (roles and responsibilities) for Scouts BSA (Troop).
Cub parents often ask me how they can be engaged going forward. It's tricky to know what to ask during those Troop Open Houses without understanding what might be available (SM, ASM, committe member roles, MBC, carpool, etc.)

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Better advertisement. My flyer arrived in the mail the day of the event. As a leader I was already aware but I know many parents in my Troop have no idea what this event is, or who the targeted audience is. How can we reach more families?

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Becker II, Thomas(859) 982-3024thomas.beckerii@gmail.com
Session: FID: Com-06December 6, 2020 at 6:03 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

The session really helped solidify what each Key 3 role was responsible for and how we interacted with each as a Unit Commissioner

Instructor Feedback
What additional course or content would you like to see?

An Introduction to High Adventure, Venturing and Sea Scouts, may be helpful in helping Scouts BSA leaders and Scouters become knowledgeable and even get Scouts dual registered.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Becker II, Thomas(859) 982-3024thomas.beckerii@gmail.com
Session: EID: Com-05December 6, 2020 at 5:54 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

I, thought, I was familiar with a large number of online resources that are available to all Scouters, much less Commissioners, but this session showed me there is so much more out there.

Instructor Feedback

Alex did a great job meeting those of us who are Internet savvy and those of us who may not get online as much.

Becker II, Thomas(859) 982-3024thomas.beckerii@gmail.com
Session: DID: Com-04December 6, 2020 at 5:52 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

I was familiar with JTE from having been Cubmaster for 3 years but hearing how it was addressed from the Commissioner side was very helpful.

Instructor Feedback

Tom had a wealth of knowledge to share and did a great job.

Becker II, Thomas(859) 982-3024thomas.beckerii@gmail.com
Session: CID: Com-03December 6, 2020 at 5:49 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

I had a good general understanding of how the process of contacting units was done as I had completed the online commissioner training but having someone whose been a Commissioner for some time share their experiences really helped it hit home.

Instructor Feedback

Tom has a very easygoing manner when it comes to sharing information. I’ve always come away with something new that I didn’t know and this session wasn’t any different.

Becker II, Thomas(859) 982-3024thomas.beckerii@gmail.com
Session: AID: Com-01December 6, 2020 at 5:45 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

One of the things I like about Chris that he uses stories to get the goal of his sessions across. I am definitely locking away his idea of friendship, or in this case getting to know units, as starting in the flyer, moving to the living room after some time and ultimately getting the kitchen where deep discussions are had.

Becker II, Thomas(859) 982-3024thomas.beckerii@gmail.com
Session: BID: Com-02December 6, 2020 at 5:39 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

As someone newer to the Commissioner role, I’m a Scouts BSA Roundtable Commissioner, it was great to hear from others in the session with how they would handle the concerns we roll played about.

Instructor Feedback

Adam did a great job pointing out when something of interest was brought up.

Montgomery, Thomas(513) 844-8930montgota@fuse.net
Session: EID: E18December 6, 2020 at 3:12 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback

Good overview of the paper-based process of completing a collaborative detailed assessment. But there is also the electronic version that may be easier to complete.

Instructor Feedback

Good eye contact and skilled at remembering names and brining everyone into the discussions.

Montgomery, Thomas(513) 844-8930montgota@fuse.net
Session: CID: E12December 6, 2020 at 3:08 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Covered most major processes to complete Internet Advancement. Smooth and purposeful.

Instructor Feedback

Well-prepared and familiar with the technology. Google Meet does not seem as user friendly at Zoom.

Montgomery, Thomas(513) 844-8930montgota@fuse.net
Session: FID: E09December 6, 2020 at 3:06 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Recruiting Adults is always difficult and acquiring the skills to do so is most helpful. Visitors from outside our Council made the session even more interesting.

Instructor Feedback

Fine outline and presentation but we all need to master the new virtual technology. Could not see shared screen in full screen so a bit difficult to read.

Montgomery, Thomas(513) 844-8930montgota@fuse.net
Session: BID: E05December 6, 2020 at 3:01 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Good materials and timely topic. Maybe expand an offer Council-wide after first inviting all new and current COR (after recharter)?

Instructor Feedback

Instructor on top of the topic. Quite comfortable with the new necessary technology.

Richardson, Jeff(859) 918-1353jamrichardson5@gmail.com
Session: CID: S03December 6, 2020 at 2:31 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great First Opportunity as an Instructor. Format was really easy to utilize.
Would have liked being given the Event Video that was shown in some classes concerning Scouting University.

Instructor Feedback

The listing, addition and incomplete registration of attendees was a concern. Don't know what issues arose in the registration situation.

Hickman, Mac(513) 831-0707machickman@gmail.com
Session: FID: COM06December 6, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Useful material, welcomed discussion and participation. I learned from this session.
Just a personal preference from having been on many virtual calls using 4 different platform. I prefer Zoom.

Instructor Feedback

Nice job! Well prepared. Good communications. Thanks.

What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Consistent platform for meetings. I prefer Zoom. Have all materials/presentations online vs. emailing them, if possible.

From another group I am involved with. They've had their store online virtually. I can stop by, browse their catalog, join the sales staff for a conversation and purchase on line before, after or during lunch and pre-planned shopping breaks during the day. Might work with the scout shop since they are usually at Scouting U. This is for virtual sessions until we get back to business as usual.

What is your overall rating for the event?9
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Garrison, Charles(513) 378-0635chaglog@aol.com
Session: FID: E09December 5, 2020 at 10:30 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Scouting University evaluation

From my perspective, Scouting U was a technical disaster. I will never again be willing to lead a class at Scouting U until class leaders are given a fully written and validated step-by-step procedure for the technology of Google Classes. I had begged for such a document since we first started getting ready for this. I was told that the system was so easy that I would not need it. In my early training, the “instructors” had trouble getting things to work and repeated steps so often that I was lost. When I asked for help later, I was told that I was already trained and should not need help. If that is the case, then I quit, because I do not need another put-down.

Two of us tried doing rehearsals earlier in the week and things did not go well. We finally concluded that the issue was that the ultimate classroom system was not active then.

I realized before classes started that there was going be a problem when I went to enter as an instructor and had to ask permission to get in. I never could get the system to give me control of the screen. Fortunately my co-instructor could get it to work from his end, but he could not help me get my system to operate. He had to do everything even when I was presenting. Controls that I expected to see at the bottom of the screen were not there. By the time we realized that this was not working, the class was ready to start so we had to make do.

We tried running the Wood Badge presentation before starting. We got the video, but the audio would not operate. We skipped it and recommended that the participants check it out themselves.

I have been teaching sat ScoutingU since at least 2005 and at College of Commissioner Science since the late 1980s. But this was the worst experience I have had.

Instructor Charles Garrison, Fort Hamilton

Instructor Feedback
What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Scouting University evaluation

From my perspective, Scouting U was a technical disaster. I will never again be willing to lead a class at Scouting U until class leaders are given a fully written and validated step-by-step procedure for the technology of Google Classes. I had begged for such a document since we first started getting ready for this. I was told that the system was so easy that I would not need it. In my early training, the “instructors” had trouble getting things to work and repeated steps so often that I was lost. When I asked for help later, I was told that I was already trained and should not need help. If that is the case, then I quit, because I do not need another put-down.

Two of us tried doing rehearsals earlier in the week and things did not go well. We finally concluded that the issue was that the ultimate classroom system was not active then.

I realized before classes started that there was going be a problem when I went to enter as an instructor and had to ask permission to get in. I never could get the system to give me control of the screen. Fortunately my co-instructor could get it to work from his end, but he could not help me get my system to operate. He had to do everything even when I was presenting. Controls that I expected to see at the bottom of the screen were not there. By the time we realized that this was not working, the class was ready to start so we had to make do.

We tried running the Wood Badge presentation before starting. We got the video, but the audio would not operate. We skipped it and recommended that the participants check it out themselves.

I have been teaching sat ScoutingU since at least 2005 and at College of Commissioner Science since the late 1980s. But this was the worst experience I have had.

InstgructorCharles Garrison, Fort Hamilton

What is your overall rating for the event?2
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Green, William(585) 503-6623SWC_ScouterBill@gmx.com
Session: DID: S08-Edible/Useful PlantsDecember 5, 2020 at 7:14 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

I wish I did not have technical issues on my end so I get into the class late, The only thing that I wish I could have shared was when the question came up about fungi. Many years ago a friend of the family had to id what some one had ate for Poison Control and the person had ate what he thought was a mushroom but ate the toadstool called the angel of death and their was no cure. So fungi should not be eaten with out an expert making sure they are safe to eat. The differences between a toadstool that could kill you and a mushroom can be very very slight

Instructor Feedback

He is very knowledgeable.

Carlson, Cathy(859) 630-8748catcar757@gmail.com
Session: CID: S08December 5, 2020 at 7:08 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Loved the content. I learned so much.

Instructor Feedback

Warren is so knowledgable and brought this class to life!! I want to take my Cubs on a hike and try some of these recipes!!!!

Walker, Barbara(513) 702-9074Thewalkerfamilyemail@gmail.com
Session: DID: S10December 5, 2020 at 6:29 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

The information was awesome. The class was talked about in the chat of the Edible / Useful Wild Plants. I was able to take is class after the Aquatics 101, which was session F. So glad that I took it.

Instructor Feedback

You did a great job! It was so nice seeing your passion for caving and scouting! So glad that I took it.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

I would like to see Life to Eagle. I had a hard time picking between some of the courses. Definitely, going to do this next year.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

I really enjoyed it. There was some classes that I did not get to take because of the conflict the schedule.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

I would be interested in teaching Aquatics 101 again. I had some issues with the sound for the videos that I played. I could hear it, but they could not hear the videos.

Walker, Barbara(513) 702-9074Thewalkerfamilyemail@gmail.com
Session: DID: S08December 5, 2020 at 6:19 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback

I enjoyed that class. I am sure that an in person class would be better. Can't wait to find some of the plants.

Instructor Feedback

There was some great knowledge given. Thanks for a great class. I am sure your in person class would be awesome.

MOLINA, Richard(646) 592-2661bsa304nyc@mail.com
Session: EID: UCk3December 5, 2020 at 6:19 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Knowing the workings of the program. Where we stand as Commissioner,, and Unit Commissioner.
Working with our assigned units.

Instructor Feedback
What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

A dry run in getting on to the course

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Walker, Barbara(513) 702-9074Thewalkerfamilyemail@gmail.com
Session: EID: E17December 5, 2020 at 6:17 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great class. I learned a lot. I actually was not signed up, but did not have anything planned for session E. When I took the High Adventure for adults, he told us about the planning session. So glad that I took it.

Instructor Feedback

I am thankful that you told me about the planning at the earlier class. So glad that I was available. Your class was great. Thanks for the info!

MOLINA, Richard(646) 592-2661bsa304nyc@mail.com
Session: DID: B17December 5, 2020 at 6:06 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Scoutmasters minute. The heart of the program. How we end our meeting is so important. So we make it meaningful.

Instructor Feedback

MOLINA, RICHARD(646) 592-2661bsa304nyc@mail.com
Session: AID: ABCDecember 5, 2020 at 5:57 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Basic Commissioner Training. Thank you men for letting me join in on your Dan Beard UoS. I had a blast.. Glad you let me participate.

Instructor Feedback

SCALES, Bob(513) 502-5012bscales43@gmail.com
Session: FID: como6December 5, 2020 at 5:11 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Good class, Got some new information.

Instructor Feedback

Well done! Excellent instructor.

What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Shooting Sports 101

Barringer, Sherri(513) 453-2591sgbarringer@outlook.com
Session: FID: E01December 5, 2020 at 5:05 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

These guys are amazingly organized and prepared! Wow! They put a lot of time into thinking about how to effectively run a virtual meeting and documenting. I can see the NYLT effect on these scouts.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

As a seasoned scouter, I love hearing best ideas from other troops. I always learn something new and get re-energized.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Maybe instead of broad subjects, perhaps break some of the classes into separate classes. for example, Weekend Wilderness was crammed with great ideas. Have a class on caving, another on water campouts, ...state parks, ...biking, ...hiking.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Horne, Tania(540) 808-5039tania7836@gmail.com
Session: AID: C01December 5, 2020 at 4:57 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Outstanding, great ideas, great presentation, great group discussion

Instructor Feedback

Very good presenter. I learned a lot and will probably bug this guy in the future!!

What additional course or content would you like to see?

how to enagage parents as leaders

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

maybe a little easier calendar view when picking sessions

What is your overall rating for the event?8
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Barringer, Sherri(513) 453-2591sgbarringer@outlook.com
Session: EID: B11December 5, 2020 at 4:56 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Great presentation with lots of information. As usual not enough time to share.

Barringer, Sherri(513) 453-2591sgbarringer@outlook.com
Session: DID: B07December 5, 2020 at 4:55 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Enthusiastic and well prepared. Shared some good ideas.

Barringer, Sherri(513) 453-2591sgbarringer@outlook.com
Session: CID: S03December 5, 2020 at 4:53 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Great knowledge of subject, tips, and documents. Would have loved to spend more time on tips. Session was to short for the amount of knowledge.

Barringer, Sherri(513) 453-2591sgbarringer@outlook.com
Session: AID: B08December 5, 2020 at 4:50 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

good topic

Instructor Feedback

spent a little to long on introduction of participants and expectations, very good content and knowledge of info. great docs shared.

Cheeks, Ric(619) 817-7555ricky.cheeks@gmail.com
Session: EID: E15December 5, 2020 at 4:37 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

This was the best session I have ever attended at a Scouting U. This is a timely topic and I wish more would have participated in it. I believe that eventually this will become part of the standard training in the future BSA leaders will need to take, maybe as part of the ever growing expansion that is YPT.

Instructor Feedback

I am happy that Lisa encountered this topic at another conference and decided to bring this back with her to share at this year's Scouting U. Lisa gave a great first hand account of an adult leader with a diverse troop where these topics are at the forefront; including her own personal experience on these topics.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

There are so many great topics that I couldn't even get to, it's hard to say what to add. I think topics that are solely focused on Scouting during COVID as perhaps a panel discussion format would be beneficial. We are all looking for advice on how to scout in these uncertain times.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Because Scouting U has gone to a virtual format this time, it would have been nice if the sessions were recorded. Even in a virtual format, one can only attend one session at a time per time slot. With recordings, participants can view all of the course they had missed that they want and benefit even more from seeing more session.

I attend this event from the west coast (San Diego, CA), and because it was a virtual event I was able to participate. While we are all looking forward to having in-person Scouting U's in the future, I think this format allows for collaboration and sharing about the scouting program in ways that were not possible before. I feel very fortunate to have been able to participate in your Scouting U this year.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

If you have another Virtual Scouting U next time I would be able to participate. If you decide to have panel discussions and need participants to contribute to topics that I am able to speak to, I would be more than happy to be a part of it (ex. Scouting During COVID or Inclusive Scouting in Gender Expansive Units. I'm still relatively new to the scouting program and haven't developed any proficiency in any of the usual Scouting U type course topics.

Olson, Rebecca(919) 649-1973rbccolson@gmail.com
Session: EID: E20December 5, 2020 at 4:34 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Thank you for this session! I think we should have this session EVERY YEAR. It was SO HELPFUL!!! It might be good to pair it up with the Trello session to help plan for popcorn!!!

Instructor Feedback

I think you did a great job checking out where everyone was on their popcorn fatigue and adjusting the presentation. I really appreciated all of the tips and suggestions everyone gave and enjoyed and appreciated the conversation we all had. This was by far the most useful session I attended! I hope this is repeated every time! thanks so much!!!!

What additional course or content would you like to see?

I would love to see something about how to use technology smarter for leaders - how to conduct meetings smarter, how to use it safer, how to use trello, slack, web tools, sign up genious, etc, tools to make your life easier. Taught in a hands-on manner, not in a lecture format - make people bring their laptops and learn in person.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Again, I know it's hard, but having more hands on would be awesome - especially for tech classes. Maybe a slack channel or a discord server for people to connect with before/during/afterwards?

What is your overall rating for the event?9
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Maybe technology - I teach how to organize and use data and information at UC - so something similar. I'm happy to partner with others or help test out classes, too.

Minniear, Chris(513) 265-3861crminniear42@gmail.com
Session: FID: C15December 5, 2020 at 4:26 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

12 signed up, 10 accepted, 9 showed up for the class, one dropped very early. Good number of questions at the end of the overall presentation.

Instructor Feedback

I was the instructor

What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?8
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Definitely will teach How To Use a Den Chief again (and again and again).

Olson, Rebecca(919) 649-1973Rbccolson@gmail.com
Session: EID: E16December 5, 2020 at 4:25 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback

I thought this was a good concept for a session. I would have liked to have seen a more basic explanation of how exactly to get started, like go to this exact website (slack.com), go to this exact site, trello.com. We definitely need more tech-specific classes for leaders. A hands-on class would be great next time - I know if we're in person next time we should definitely offer some classes that require people to bring their laptops!

Instructor Feedback

I think you did a good job with the concepts, and I really love the idea of getting scout leaders to use both slack and trello together I just think maybe you should refocus on the delivery a bit better, such as maybe running it by someone who has no knowledge of either Trello or Slack first to make sure you're not running into an expert awareness gap. I know you were limited with time, but maybe the next time it would be great if you could include having participants follow along with a live, interactive session like we could learn how to use Slack and then build a Trello board together live.

I look forward to trying out your templates and seeing if I can get the rest of our pack and troop to start using these tools to communicate and organize our events more effectively. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

Straus, Jennifer(859) 391-4737jen1126@live.com
Session: AID: E01December 5, 2020 at 4:21 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Boys did an awesome job presenting the material. Great ideas

Instructor Feedback

Good info

What additional course or content would you like to see?

More courses geared toward Small Troops - most of the instructors are from large troops and only talked about their experiences. We need more help in the small troops of 10 boys or less.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Kerr, Jon(513) 256-8536jon.kerr817@gmail.com
Session: FID: COM06December 5, 2020 at 4:18 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

Google Meet did not allow me (to my knowledge) to share my presentation and still see the faces of the attendees. Neither did I have a good way of recording attendance. Frustrating.

Instructor Feedback

No comment.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Commissioner recruitment
Recruiting volunteers at the Pack level
How to recruit new members in the COVID era
Using the BeAScout.org lead generator

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Being able to safely meet face to face again
A plenary session with an outside speaker addressing a current topic

What is your overall rating for the event?9
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Establishing a culture of recruiting

Best, Greg(814) 806-5958bestgreg27@gmail.com
Session: DID: B07December 5, 2020 at 4:18 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

Miciah, did a great job of facilitating and the content was fine, but there just wasn't a whole lot to talk about or interactions among the group.

Instructor Feedback

Miciah offered some good insights about her experience and what kept her engaged and coming back. It is a very personal view of what makes a great program and keeps older scouts engaged. It would be nice to collect some data about why scouts leave or why they stay. Overall she did a great job with the content and discussion.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Missing the hands on stuff, but appreciate the situation we are in.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

I like the session where the material was provided in advance. This is a best practice. I helped with one of the Coffee chat rooms, but now one came.

What is your overall rating for the event?8
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

I can help with whatever needs support...recruiting, scout skills, web to scout transition, etc.

Minniear, Chris(513) 265-3861crminniear42@gmail.com
Session: DID: T-02December 5, 2020 at 4:17 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?5
Session Feedback

4 people signed up, one declined the meeting, one never responded, one showed up but couldn't get himself off of mute and dropped, so the last one got a personalized session to discuss whatever he needed since he was taking the class as a refresher.

Instructor Feedback

I was the instructor.

Litkenhaus, Sarah(513) 520-0991sarahmarie1980@gmail.com
Session: FID: C17December 5, 2020 at 4:17 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

very helpful.

Instructor Feedback
What additional course or content would you like to see?

I would like to have taken a class on succession planning.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

I can't think of anything except having it in person next yr. Love this day.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Litkenhaus, Sarah(513) 520-0991sarahmarie1980@gmail.com
Session: EID: B12December 5, 2020 at 4:12 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great moral for camp fires and valuable info on campouts in general.

Instructor Feedback

Litkenhaus, Sarah(513) 520-0991sarahmarie1980@gmail.com
Session: DID: E14December 5, 2020 at 4:11 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great teacher, good examples.

Instructor Feedback

Litkenhaus, Sarah(513) 520-0991sarahmarie1980@gmail.com
Session: CID: E12December 5, 2020 at 4:10 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

More geared for troops and not packs but that could have been my fault for not reading the description well.

Instructor Feedback

Litkenhaus, Sarah(513) 520-0991sarahmarie1980@gmail.com
Session: BID: E06December 5, 2020 at 4:09 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Was wonderful. So much information

Instructor Feedback

Litkenhaus, Sarah(513) 520-0991sarahmarie1980@gmail.com
Session: AID: E03December 5, 2020 at 4:08 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback

I had hoped this would cover/talk about the shooting awards at the cub level.

Instructor Feedback

Fiehrer, carol(513) 697-7121fiehrer.carol@gmail.com
Session: FID: b-15December 5, 2020 at 4:07 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

A lot of great information. I have been doing BOR for about a year and a half. I still felt this was very useful information. I had a few questions answered and learned some new criteria.

Instructor Feedback

Great instruction. Mr Barringer was very knowledgeable and was able to answer all of our questions quickly. Would love to take more classes from him in the future.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Scoutbook tutorial classes

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

I think overall considering we needed to do this vitually this year it was done very professionally.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Reckner, Tom(513) 608-7503tom.reckner@cinbell.com
Session: FID: COM06December 5, 2020 at 4:05 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great sessions! A lot of great examples and discussions!

Instructor Feedback

Jon did a great job presenting and having open conversation with those in the class. Thanks Jon for sharing your knowledge.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Continuing with Commissioner classes.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Live in person!

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Commissioner ones.

**Also want to give kudos to Jack Ball, Michelle Byrne, and all the folks involved in putting this together! Covid caused the event to be all virtual and the work that those involved did to make it happen was awesome! Thank you!

Pittman, Dante(513) 500-7838kuriom23@gmail.com
Session: FID: B16December 5, 2020 at 4:04 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

Good overview of first aid requirements from cub scouts through scouts bsa.

Instructor Feedback
What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?8
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Hisey, Patty(614) 778-4075hiseyp@gmail.com
Session: FID: B16December 5, 2020 at 4:02 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great course. Organized in a very understandable way. Showed the importance of First Aid and Scouting.

Instructor Feedback

Great instructor. You can tell the passion behind the topic. Continue learning. Thank you for all you do for scouts.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Moulage course to assist with realistic first-aid training in units.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

I really enjoyed the virtual training.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Sutton, Martin(513) 315-5880martin.sutton@fuse.net
Session: FID: S07December 5, 2020 at 4:02 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Good discussions and group interactions for questions.

Instructor Feedback

Very knowledgeable instructor.

What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Boiman, Elizabeth(513) 903-6711info.pack644@gmail.com
Session: FID: E-01December 5, 2020 at 3:57 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Horne, Tania(540) 808-5039tania7836@gmail.com
Session: FID: C15December 5, 2020 at 3:56 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Very organized, good talking points

Instructor Feedback

Very nice job, very knowledgeable

Carlton, Mike(513) 404-7788wz8bzl@yahoo.com
Session: FID: COM06December 5, 2020 at 3:46 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Even though the Key3 is probably well known by most Commissioners, this was still a useful refresher course to remind us all of the roles/responsibilities and how we should be interacting with the unit.

Instructor Feedback

Excellent. John's presentation style and dynamic voice coupled with continuous questioning of the audience over lecturing is really impactful.

What additional course or content would you like to see?

More attendees at Den Leader Training 😉

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

1) Returning to in person.
2) If we can't do #1, maybe attempt an "all attendee" kickoff session or "all attendee" lunch session

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Will decide later and balance with the gaps in course instructors.

barhorst, michael(513) 582-4261msbarhorst@hotmail.com
Session: EID: e15December 5, 2020 at 3:43 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great class scouting national need brace these ideas to make this an offical scouts knot

Instructor Feedback

did a great job thanks

What additional course or content would you like to see?

This year i liked the zoom format next year hope to see a hybrid side to this inperson and zoom

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

in person for some of the meetings

What is your overall rating for the event?9
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Bacu, Ronald(513) 779-6346rlbacu@yahoo.com
Session: FID: BCS 117December 5, 2020 at 3:32 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback
What additional course or content would you like to see?

Eagle Scout Scoutmaster conference - beyond just the scoutmaster minute class but what is different and special about Eagle SM conference

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?9
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Eagle Scout Scoutmaster conference
Scoutmaster minutes/moments

SEE, MARK(859) 816-9284msee04ret@gmail.com
Session: EID: 18December 5, 2020 at 3:11 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Kudos to Tom Montgomery for his assistance and helpful comments during the session. Also nice to see an out of council Scouter. Very interactive and good discussion. No technical issues,

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Instructor/Facilitator--no input

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

1) Get back to in-person sessions 🙂
2) I didn't look at the catalogue this year so unsure if there is a section such as "New to Scouting? Here's some helpful recommendations for classes" or "1st Time at Scouting U?"; might help participants

What is your overall rating for the event?9
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Jack already has my number..... :<)

Pittman, Dante(513) 500-7838kuriom23@gmail.com
Session: EID: B11December 5, 2020 at 3:07 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great interactive class!! I have so many more places to check out and suggest to my boys. Loved how this was all of us coming together to share the hidden gems we know near the original places in the syllabus.

Instructor Feedback

Great instructor who had a lot of insights to a lot of these great places and was good at pulling in others for areas he was less familiar with personally. Really great interactive conversation!

Hisey, Patty(614) 778-4075hiseyp@gmail.com
Session: EID: B11December 5, 2020 at 3:06 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

So much information. Great to share with my scouts for more things to do. Thank you so much.

Instructor Feedback

Great Job. Thank you for all you do for scouts.

Roe, Bryan(312) 498-9819bryan.r.roe@gmail.com
Session: EID: s11December 5, 2020 at 3:05 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

This was great. Jason is super knowledgeable and has a lot of real world experience to pull from.

Instructor Feedback

great job

What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

i think all things considered with the virtual nature of this, it went very well. of course in person classes are great and i look forward to doing that again soon, but now we know that we can do a lot of this virtually so perhaps it's a hybrid model once things open back up.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Ray, Lisa(859) 992-2301lmray02@hotmail.com
Session: EID: c14December 5, 2020 at 3:02 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great content and gave a lot of answers about about how to motivate the scout to research different troops. Also gave insight into parental expectations once the scout has transitioned into Scouting BSA.

Instructor Feedback

Great job. Very personable and knowledgeable.

Reckner, Tom(513) 608-7503tom.reckner@cinbell.com
Session: EID: COM05December 5, 2020 at 3:02 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Alot of good information about the internet and discussions on virtual meetings.

Instructor Feedback

Alex is very knowledgeable on the internet and had some great discussions with the group!

Boiman, Elizabeth(513) 903-6711info.pack644@gmail.com
Session: EID: E-18December 5, 2020 at 3:01 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

very informative and insightful

Instructor Feedback

Carlton, Mike(513) 404-7788wz8bzl@yahoo.com
Session: EID: COM05December 5, 2020 at 2:59 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

Pretty straight forward. Good insight and reminder of vast amount of resources (official and unofficial) you can leverage for our Commissioning needs.

Instructor Feedback

Ackenback, Jeff(317) 523-2345jeff.ackenback@faithcommunityumc.org
Session: AID: 107December 5, 2020 at 2:56 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Honestly, I was unsure how a 2 hour training session would go, but I was pleasantly surprised. I was shocked when it ended at almost 3,because the time had gone so quickly. The information was very well presented, and I could really tell not just the years of service evident, but also the passion for Scouting, in both presenters.

Instructor Feedback

As mentioned above, both instructors were very knowledgeable about Scouting and the topic of charter organization rep, and the love each had for scouting and everything about it really came through, as well. They presented the information very well, and they also brought some of their life experiences as examples to drive things home. They did a GREAT JOB!

What additional course or content would you like to see?

I'm not sure. I need to look to see what all is available.

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

It seems well run to me.

What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Blevins, Adam(859) 609-6140adamblevins@gmail.com
Session: CID: S09December 5, 2020 at 2:36 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback

Good information. Especially about socks and wet clothes. Visual aids are always nice to have.

Instructor Feedback

The instructor was very knowledgeable and did a good job asking questions of the trainees to get discussion going.

Bacu, Ronald(513) 779-6346rlbacu@yahoo.com
Session: EID: COM05December 5, 2020 at 2:34 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Roe, Bryan(312) 498-9819bryan.r.roe@gmail.com
Session: DID: s08December 5, 2020 at 2:31 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

This class could be longer. Warren knows so much it's hard to include in a hour.

Instructor Feedback

Pittman, Dante(513) 500-7838kuriom23@gmail.com
Session: DID: B09December 5, 2020 at 2:25 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

This was especially nice for leaders who were new to the troop side of scouting. It gave tips that were helpful to guide youth into leading units. It was also helpful for making that mental switch from cub leader to troop leader.

Instructor Feedback

Welcomed class involvement, but was a lot of reading off slides. Some personal experiences were sprinkled in to break it up, but would have liked a little less directly reading from slides.

Reckner, Tom(513) 608-7503tom.reckner@cinbell.com
Session: DID: COM04December 5, 2020 at 2:21 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great discussion on JTE! Thanks for going over the JTE requirements and discussion on 2021.

Instructor Feedback

Tom always does a great job!

Pittman, Dante(513) 500-7838kuriom23@gmail.com
Session: CID: B04December 5, 2020 at 2:19 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

Course was a good blend of tips for "normal" scouting and scouting in the age of Covid. I liked how it stayed positive and featured in person and virtual options.

Instructor Feedback

Instructor did a great job drawing in participation from the class as well as providing insight from personal experience. Really enjoyed the conversation this class became.

Pittman, Dante(513) 500-7838kuriom23@gmail.com
Session: BID: B02December 5, 2020 at 2:14 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

As someone who is new to planning with a troop and how that works in conjunction with youth it was a great overall understanding with some insight from experience thrown in there.

Instructor Feedback

Great instructor! Kept things interesting and moving along.

Ray, Lisa(859) 992-2301lmray02@hotmail.com
Session: DID: c11December 5, 2020 at 2:13 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

The session was informative. Eric encouraged interaction and was quick to answer any questions and concerns.

Instructor Feedback

I would gladly take a future course with Eric as the teacher.

Pittman, Dante(513) 500-7838kuriom23@gmail.com
Session: AID: B01December 5, 2020 at 2:09 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?5
Session Feedback

Covered a lot of the highlights of camping with a troop which is helpful if you have never done so previously. I would have like to see more tips at things that are commonly missed by us newbies.

Instructor Feedback

Kerr, Jon(513) 256-8536jon.kerr817@gmail.com
Session: DID: E21December 5, 2020 at 2:06 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

It's a shame that more people didn't take the time to sign up for this session. Ed and Mike really did an excellent job of soliciting feedback on Peterloon. Everything I expected.

Instructor Feedback

These guys made a great tag team of information and they did a super job listening to the responses.

Flower, Ashley(303) 506-9357floweralamode@gmail.com
Session: CID: 02December 5, 2020 at 2:04 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Boiman, Elizabeth(513) 903-6711info.pack644@gmail.com
Session: DID: C-11December 5, 2020 at 2:03 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Very good information

Instructor Feedback

Really insightful and knows his stuff

Leonhardt, David(513) 614-2435david.leonhardt1786@gmail.com
Session: DID: C03December 5, 2020 at 2:02 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great tips and knowledge from an experienced professional.

Instructor Feedback

Carlton, Mike(513) 404-7788wz8bzl@yahoo.com
Session: DID: COM04December 5, 2020 at 2:00 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

1hr is enough time for the subject/content.
If looking to fill time, one thing to consider would be to take a JTE rating and describe a "fake" unit and have the participants decide if they would rate it Bronze/Silver/Gold for that scenario.

Instructor Feedback

Tom offered a good blend of explanation (lecture) and Q&A and interaction with the participants.

Wells, John(513) 626-8729lolfinsec@gmail.com
Session: DID: b17December 5, 2020 at 1:59 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Boiman, Elizabeth(513) 903-6711info.pack644@gmail.com
Session: CID: E-13December 5, 2020 at 1:16 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?6
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

The instructor was very hard to understand. Audio was in and out.

Horne, Tania(540) 808-5039tania7836@gmail.com
Session: AID: C19December 5, 2020 at 12:53 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Very organized, casual, lots of good ideas

Instructor Feedback

Good job! Felt like a meeting among friends.

Kerr, Jon(513) 256-8536jon.kerr817@gmail.com
Session: BID: S02December 5, 2020 at 12:26 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Such an excellent compilation of resources to get Scouts outdoors!

Instructor Feedback

Warren High is the finest instructor for all things nature. He's a Dan Beard Council treasure.

Soard, Mary(859) 640-6662Mdsoard23@gmail.com
Session: AID: S02December 5, 2020 at 12:02 pm
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Very informative

Instructor Feedback

He was very knowledgeable, and did a great job.

What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Soard, Mary(859) 640-6662Mdsoard23@gmail.com
Session: AID: E06December 5, 2020 at 11:59 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Soard, Mary(859) 640-6662Mdsoard23@gmail.com
Session: AID: CO2December 5, 2020 at 11:58 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

He did a great job demonstrating the knots.

Olson, Rebecca(513) 444-7703rbccolson@gmail.com
Session: EID: E02December 5, 2020 at 11:51 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

I liked the history of girls in scouting - I wasn't aware of it! I think this session should be offered every year. There is a need for it!

Instructor Feedback

I enjoyed this session, along with hearing about how it's been going - and how people have reacted within scouting. I didn't know the differences between the different crew/ship/troop options. I'd love to join all of them as an adult! Thank you for sharing your experiences. I think you did a great job with answering questions and providing resources. The tech difficulties happen to everyone on every zoom meeting - I've attended probably about 5000 of them since March and I've yet to see one that didn't have issues. Thanks!!!

Gerdes, Spencer(513) 403-3801srg617@gmail.com
Session: CID: E07December 5, 2020 at 11:51 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

[I was the assistant instructor so I will fill this out about the parts of the session the lead instructor led]

Very informative. Not only were the topics covered but personal experience from the lead instructor contributed to the better understanding of the subject for participants. Even though I was an assistant instructor and I knew what we would go over, Mr. Corsmeier still managed to surprise me and add on to what we planned on discussing.

Instructor Feedback

[I was the assistant instructor so I will fill this out about the lead instructor]

He was very knowledgeable in the subject. He had a lot of personal experience of working with Scouts who have disabilities and was able to share his wisdom with the group to better help participants understand how they can work with Scouts with disabilities. Mr. Corsmeier truly was a great instructor and I would be happy to work with him again.

Gerdes, Spencer(513) 403-3801srg617@gmail.com
Session: BID: C07December 5, 2020 at 11:50 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

There was quite a bit talked about. Lots of good information about running a successful Webelos/AOL program. I was hoping for a little more information about planning events to assist in accomplishing their requirements (which they covered a little bit). It was more of an open floor at points (which isn't a bad thing; just a surprise is all). I was hoping to find out some ideas for a virtual program (the parents of the Pack I'm working with are uneasy about in-person meetings) and I felt a lot of the discussion was more based on in-person activities with social distance and limited people.

I feel like this should be a two session course. I feel like I missed a lot because I had to leave to help teach a C Session class. There was still quite a bit to go over at 10:30 (when the next session should be starting). This is NOT poor time management on the instructor because there was just so much that was going and quite a lot of great information that just couldn't be fit into only 50 minutes. Maybe make this a B & C course instead of just B.

Instructor Feedback

Instructor was really good and I felt he knew quite a bit about leading Webelos/AOL programs. I see myself reaching out to him for more advice in the future since I had to leave to help teach a C Course.

Just to reiterate that even though the course went over time and was really going by 10:30 (when the next session would be starting), this is NOT poor time management on the instructor because there was just so much that was going and quite a lot of great information that just couldn't be fit into only 50 minutes.

Sutton, Martin(513) 315-5880martin.sutton@fuse.net
Session: AID: S05December 5, 2020 at 11:39 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great LIVE presentation.

Instructor Feedback

Fire starting is always something that everyone can improve upon. John had very good techniques and introduced some new options that I have never pursued. This was a very good class.

Sutton, Martin(513) 315-5880martin.sutton@fuse.net
Session: BID: E07December 5, 2020 at 11:35 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Great information presented by Mark and Spencer. I have taken several classes from Mark over the years from Scouting U and BALOO. Covered all aspects of Scouts with disabilities and how to help the Scouts succeed on their life journey.

Instructor Feedback

An amazing amount of information is included to help with any situation, and forms needed to complete.

Olson, Rebecca(919) 649-1973rbccolson@gmail.com
Session: EID: E7December 5, 2020 at 11:35 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

I think this was a very helpful session. I think it definitely could go longer than an hour, though. I think also advertising it more to the parents would be helpful - I had no idea that I was supposed to meet with our leader about my child's asthma and my other child's ADHD!

Instructor Feedback

This was a very helpful session. My only comment would be to review your PowerPoint materials and update where you mention "boy" - and replace it with "child" - since scouting is now open to boys and girls, and girls also have special needs.

I did appreciate, too, bringing up dietary needs and allergies. I know religious dietary needs are not considered allergies, but our troop/packs have increasing numbers of scouts who are either vegetarian or who do not eat pork/beef for religious reasons (like almost a half of our scouts) - and this is usually noted in dietary forms. This isn't really a disability - but maybe it should be mentioned as well as something to consider in this section.

Corsmeier, Mark(513) 628-9721mark.corsmeier@gmail.com
Session: CID: E07December 5, 2020 at 11:34 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

the co-instructor Spencer Gerdes did a great job in assisting and answering questions. He also provided a lot of great stories and real life examples that helped in the training class

Cheeks, Ric(619) 817-7555ricky.cheeks@gmail.com
Session: CID: C19December 5, 2020 at 11:33 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Lots of great ideas to incorporate in a cub scouting program. Would have been nice to have a follow-up panel session or break-out with smaller groups after a main 1 hr. with the instructor.

Instructor Feedback

Instructor was engaging, funny, and encouraged participation with the attendees

Walker, Barbara(513) 702-9074Thewalkerfamilyemail@gmail.com
Session: CID: B05December 5, 2020 at 11:33 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

The session helped me understand that the scouts should be more involved in the planning process. It also helped me understand the importance of scout led high adventures. I would like the scouts to be more involved so I need to get the crew's to vote for a crew leader!

Instructor Feedback

Thanks for your positive attitude and reminding us that importance of scout led high adventures.

Nadzam, John(267) 221-7221nadz1126@gmail.com
Session: BID: S05December 5, 2020 at 11:31 am
Did the class meet your expectations?6
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

barhorst, michael(513) 582-4261msbarhorst@hotmail.com
Session: CID: c19December 5, 2020 at 11:31 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

good class needs to be 2 hours next year

Instructor Feedback

did a great job

Roe, Bryan(312) 498-9819bryan.r.roe@gmail.com
Session: CID: c09December 5, 2020 at 11:31 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

I like the idea of hosting a First AId centered Pack meeting , and integrating first aid into the program from the beginning

Instructor Feedback

Boren, William(513) 460-9586whboren27@gmail.com
Session: CID: E07December 5, 2020 at 11:31 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback
What additional course or content would you like to see?
What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?
What is your overall rating for the event?10
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?No
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Best, Greg(814) 806-5958bestgreg27@gmail.com
Session: CID: E07December 5, 2020 at 11:30 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great information... much of which I had researched already on my own, but good validation that I am doing what I need to be doing in my role as Scoutmaster.

Instructor Feedback

Mark is very well versed in the course material and has a great conversational approach to the material. Spencer Gerdes was there to assist and did a great job sharing the material. Good work by Spencer in sharing his own personal experience. Great that Mark uploaded all the applicable course work in advance of the session so we could look through it quickly prior to the session. This was very helpful and should be the practice for all the courses.

Roe, Bryan(312) 498-9819bryan.r.roe@gmail.com
Session: BID: S05December 5, 2020 at 11:29 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

This was very cool - Well hot since it was Fire.

Instructor Feedback

Walker, Barbara(513) 702-9074Thewalkerfamilyemail@gmail.com
Session: AID: B08December 5, 2020 at 11:28 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

The class offered some great resources and information. I would like to take the Life to Eagle class when it is available also.
I really like the break down of the steps of the eagle project process. It will help our troops life scouts!

Instructor Feedback

Thanks for the information and the positive attitude. I hope that I can help the life scouts in our troop to completing their eagle.
I really like the comment about "What do you not want to do?"

Milbrada, Ed(513) 777-8233milbrada@fuse.net
Session: EID: 13December 5, 2020 at 11:22 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

It would have been helpful to populate Classes with participants as they signed up. I was unaware that I had any participants until the Friday before UOS.

I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't as much interaction with the participants as I hoped for

What additional course or content would you like to see?

Funding your unit

What are one or two things that would make Scouting U even better?

Obviously, a return to face to face

More training on how to use Zoom and Google Meet

What is your overall rating for the event?8
Are you interested in teaching a class at UofS?Yes
What subject would you be interested in teaching?

Either Awards and Recognition or Troop Committee Challenge

Bingcang, Alexander(513) 214-9614alexbingcang@yahoo.com
Session: CID: S09December 5, 2020 at 11:15 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Cheeks, Ric(619) 817-7555ricky.cheeks@gmail.com
Session: BID: E06December 5, 2020 at 11:09 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Session met expectations and also exceed it. Learned a lot more about the STEM programs/activities/adventures/awards associated with scouting.

Instructor Feedback

Instructor was very experienced in the topic and had a lot of first hand experience to share.

Hisey, Patty(614) 778-4075hiseyp@gmail.com
Session: CID: E13December 5, 2020 at 11:03 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great information and link for further research. Need to ensure every scout/scouter gets recognized for the work they so freely give.

Instructor Feedback

Great job. Thank you for everything you do for the youth and scouters alike.

barhorst, michael(513) 582-4261msbarhorst@hotmail.com
Session: BID: c18December 5, 2020 at 10:58 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great class may need to be 2 hour class next year

Instructor Feedback

did a great job

barhorst, michael(513) 582-4261msbarhorst@hotmail.com
Session: AID: e28December 5, 2020 at 10:57 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Bingcang, Alexander(513) 214-9614alexbingcang@yahoo.com
Session: BID: B03December 5, 2020 at 10:55 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Bacu, Ronald(513) 779-6346rlbacu@yahoo.com
Session: CID: B05December 5, 2020 at 10:52 am
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

skelton, chris(859) 486-5811chrisskelton@live.com
Session: AID: yt3December 5, 2020 at 10:44 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

SEE, MARK(859) 816-9284msee04ret@gmail.com
Session: BID: 02December 5, 2020 at 10:31 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Session went well. Missed last two minutes to wrap class due to my internet connection. Good participation. Attending Scouters were experienced and freely exchanged ideas. Just not the same as presenting class in person.

Kerr, Jon(513) 256-8536jon.kerr817@gmail.com
Session: BID: E06December 5, 2020 at 10:27 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

Starting with a basic explanation about STEM Scouts would have been helpful to orient those of us who are interested but not involved with the program. It would be good to also understand what the needs are to help establish STEM Scouts in Dan Beard Council. Michelle did a great job of explaining what activities are considered to be in the STEM categories, but we still lacked an explanation or resource that laid out how Scouts can earn these awards or become more involved with STEM activities.

Instructor Feedback

Good job. Easy to understand. Obviously committed and deeply involved in STEM activities within the council.

Reckner, Tom(513) 608-7503tom.reckner@cinbell.com
Session: BID: COM02December 5, 2020 at 10:22 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great discussion from various folks on linking resources to various examples.

Instructor Feedback

Great job! Loved the open discussions!

Gerdes, Spencer(513) 403-3801srg617@gmail.com
Session: AID: C04December 5, 2020 at 10:21 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

I appreciated it and, even someone who is an ASM, Patrol Advisor, and recent Eagle, I learned something. 7 or so years ago when I was crossing from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, I was wrapped up in having fun and playing games so I wasn't really paying attention to the pros and cons of the Troops (what 11 year old is?).

I wasn't sure what to expect. I was originally going to help teach the Introduction to Sea Scouts during Session A but [surprise surprise] no one signed up. Being a quick thinker, I signed up for this session since it was Cub Scouts (I already know knots really well - Sea Scout here - so I did not do the Cub Scout Knot one and I had a B session so not the A-B Cub Scout Class). This was great since I have been asked to help my Troop's feeder Pack build their program and I can better understand how to explain Scouts BSA in relation to Cub Scouts. The information from this class can also help the Troop see what the Packs, Cub Scouts, and parents are looking for.

Instructor Feedback

Instructor was very knowledgeable and explained things really well. I felt like I already had a pretty good understanding how to explain Scouts BSA unit structure and leadership already but the instructor presented a little bit of a different way and I feel like I have been enabled to better explain Scouts BSA to people from a Cub Scout background.

Ray, Lisa(859) 992-2301lmray02@hotmail.com
Session: BID: S05December 5, 2020 at 10:10 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

The various ideas how to start a fire were well planned out. The multiple camera angles were helpful.

Instructor Feedback

John did a great job adjusting to the virtual platform. His session was creative and informative.

Gerdes, Spencer(513) 403-3801srg617@gmail.com
Session: AID: C04December 5, 2020 at 10:09 am
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback

I appreciated it and, even someone who is an ASM, Patrol Advisor, and recent Eagle, I learned something. 7 or so years ago when I was crossing from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, I was wrapped up in having fun and playing games so I wasn't really paying attention to the pros and cons of the Troops (what 11 year old is?).

I wasn't sure what to expect. I was originally going to help teach the Introduction to Sea Scouts during Session A but [surprise surprise] no one signed up. Being a quick thinker, I signed up for this session since it was Cub Scouts (I already know knots really well - Sea Scout here - so I did not do the Cub Scout Knot one and I had a B session so not the A-B Cub Scout Class). This was great since I have been asked to help my Troop's feeder Pack build their program and I can better understand how to explain Scouts BSA in relation to Cub Scouts. The information from this class can also help the Troop see what the Packs, Cub Scouts, and parents are looking for.

Instructor Feedback

Instructor was very knowledgeable and explained things really well. I felt like I already had a pretty good understanding how to explain Scouts BSA unit structure and leadership already but the instructor presented a little bit of a different way and I feel like I have been enabled to better explain Scouts BSA to people from a Cub Scout background.

Hisey, Patty(614) 778-4075hiseyp@gmail.com
Session: BID: E06December 5, 2020 at 10:07 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great Information. See the need for this information to get out more. BSA is not fully utilizing this program which only hurts the youth. Thank you.

Instructor Feedback

Great Job! Thank you for organizing this course. Your involvement is amazing, please keep it up.

Bacu, Ronald(513) 779-6346rlbacu@yahoo.com
Session: AID: B08December 5, 2020 at 9:53 am
Did the class meet your expectations?3
Session Feedback

Spent a good 45 minutes on introductions, after starting 15 minutes late as we watched Linda eat breakfast in the background. We started on real material at 9:17

Instructor Feedback

The attachments in the PowerPoint presentation were gold esp the flowchart PDF - but I got nothing on pitfalls or anything else as after listening to her chat with the guy from NY for 15 minutes about stuffed cats and paper eagles

Bingcang, Alexander(513) 214-9614alexbingcang@yahoo.com
Session: AID: B01December 5, 2020 at 9:46 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Jim has wealth of information he shared well. Is the chat box something the facilitator able to engage in? I like the chat option this morning since unfortunately I have to multitask this AM and not able to speak/use video.

Ray, Lisa(859) 992-2301lmray02@hotmail.com
Session: AID: C02December 5, 2020 at 9:23 am
Did the class meet your expectations?8
Session Feedback

Learning to tie knots via virtual meeting is a challenge for any instructor. David did a good job.

Instructor Feedback

Virtual was tough. In person makes a difference for this type of class. I

Boiman, Elizabeth(513) 903-6711elizabethboiman2015@gmail.com
Session: AID: E-28December 5, 2020 at 9:23 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Reckner, Tom(513) 608-7503tom.reckner@cinbell.com
Session: AID: COM01December 5, 2020 at 9:22 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

Great way to kick off the morning. Great discussion and a lot of good topics and ideas.

Instructor Feedback

Great job! Enjoyed time to discuss things and have open feedback.

Leonhardt, David(513) 614-2435david.leonhardt1786@gmail.com
Session: AID: C04December 5, 2020 at 9:21 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback
Instructor Feedback

Hisey, Patty(614) 778-4075hiseyp@gmail.com
Session: AID: E02December 5, 2020 at 9:20 am
Did the class meet your expectations?9
Session Feedback

I hope courses like this will not need to be presented in the near future. Good information.

Instructor Feedback

Good job. Thank you for everything you are doing for the youth and scouters.

Cheeks, Ric(619) 817-7555ricky.cheeks@gmail.com
Session: AID: E24December 5, 2020 at 9:20 am
Did the class meet your expectations?10
Session Feedback

Good session with great higher level ideas being presented that were brought down to the level of scout leaders during the discussions. The time passed quickly and i wished we had more time/opportunity to possible break-out afterwards into more discussion among the participants.

Instructor Feedback

Great instructor with knowledge of subject. Was able to relate the larger concept of branding to the BSA and allowed ample opportunity for the participants to comment and interact.

Eslinger, Dan(937) 499-4791DanEslinger@cinci.rr.com
Session: AID: e-24December 5, 2020 at 9:13 am
Did the class meet your expectations?7
Session Feedback

I understand the intent was introduction to branding and was well done. Wanted more about how to help units learn the how to part of marketing themselves.

Instructor Feedback

Awesome job. Thanks